Keep Playing

I love playing video games. I’m an avid car racing fan. I’d consider myself a video game geek.  Just recently, I had some free time and decided to play one of my favorites, Need for Speed Most Wanted. Each level I went through I ensured a 1st place win in every race, which was a…

Nothing I’ve written before

Earlier this evening I got a copy of my friend’s book. I was a bit hesitant to reading so quickly because I wanted to be very “together” to read it but, I read it and as I read I felt every pain and emotional. With every word, every sentence you could feel what he was…

Get. It. Done.

I was at my office last week, going through my social media pages, looking at what my followers and person I’m following are up to. I had my iPad plugged in because it was dying  and using the phone. When I started to use my phone, going on all these apps, checking emails.. The works,…

Its Where You’re Going

One of my friends said me the other day ‘when I grow up, I want to be just like you!’ in my mind I found this to be hilarious and the proud side of me wanted to say ‘Of course! who wouldn’t want to be like me? I’m amazing!’ but there was this little feeling…

Check Those Brakes…

You drive a car, the car has been serviced and you trust what your mechanic says”your car is good and ready for the road”. So you’re driving and you are of the strong opinion that your brakes are fine, therefore, if you have to make a sudden stop, then your trust that when you press…

It Is Well

There comes a time in everyone’s life, when they go through a phase. Sometimes this phase is a really rough patch that lasts for days, weeks, months or even for years. You’re unhappy, but yet everything looks okay. You try so hard to be strong, to be brave, to stand up to all that is…

Step-back, Reflect, Fix It & Move On

There comes a time in our lives when we go through some really not so wonderful phases. During those times we tend to do and say things that we don’t necessarily mean to say and/or do, most of the times these things hurt the people around us. Sometime we just need to Step-back, Reflect, Fix…

Expect the unexpected.

Today is the beginning of a new week; fresh start with new opportunities. The past is behind you all the bad things that happened, mistakes, failures, disappointments… All forgotten, you’re heading into a new week with no unnecessary burden. Isaiah 43:18-19 declares  “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new…

You havea friend.

Everyone has that one person that we call our best friend. We tell that person everything (or almost everything) we do, all our weakness, flaws and we even share our deepest secrets with them. We trust our best friends and we believe that our secrets are safe with them, until one day something happens between you and…

When you know better, You do better.

Proverbs 29:11 says “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”  I don’t normally start my blogs with bible verses but sometimes you have to make a change. There are times we are placed in a certain situations where we are being wrongfully accused of doing something…

Happiness Is Key.

Being happy is one of the best feelings someone could have. When you’re happy you don’t have a care in the world and you’re just enjoying life, seizing the moment and making the best of it. Tonight I saw happy people, people who were just enjoying themselves, people who have work the next day but…

Count Your Blessings.

When was the last time you considered how fortunate you are? Sometimes you have to just sit and think about the people who can’t walk, talk or hear. People who don’t have anything to eat this morning because there is no food in their house. Before I got into my teenage years I use to…